Creating the 3D world!

To build the 3d world, I needed tiles. So after a quick lookup at CC0 assets on opengameart, I found a marvelous tileset from Quaternius that I already mentioned in my first post (here: , that would perfectly fit my needs. I downloaded the assets, put the .obg files in the game's repository (I have a dedicated folder in the game for the game 3d assets, as we should all do), and created specific materials that would better serve my game environment. Basically, it sums up to have specific colors for the assets, plus some metallicity on some materials to have some shiny lights reflects.

Then come the time to build the static bodies and collision shapes. Since the 3d tileset is very simple, using simple convex shape is enough, except for doors which have a hole in their middle part, requiring a more complex mesh. Using a convex shape on those tiles would create a hull around the hole, preventing to pass through the door, which is not what we want!

Then I finally created my 3D gridmap. Look at those nice asset! For free, you can use them in your game! What a wonderful time to be alive!


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