Making a puzzle Game

As for everybody, 2021 was a rough year, and I wanted to use some free time during the Christmas vacation to work on something new and refreshing. I have in amateur-ish game dev for many years without releasing anything, and my goal for 2022 was clear: release a game, perhaps small, but still: release!

I have been doing 2d stuff, painting, tiling, animating for something like seven years since the initial public release of godot in 2014 and this new project was also the occasion to start doing something in 3D.

I set myself very humble objectives, as I didn't want to create the 3d models nor do the 3d animations. I don't know how to do that and I didn't want to spend to necessary time to learn those for this project. 

So I jumped on opengameart, found the nice 3d scifi tileset from quaternius (you can use them too for free:, re-used the godot's demo 3d robot (gobot? What is this name already?), and I was good to go.

Since I wanted to create the project as fast as possible, I decided to stick to a simple puzzle game mechanics, quite close to the video game "the witness" by Johnathan Blow, that I love a lot. I thought it would be somehow easy to replicate some mechanics of those puzzle games an possibly create a compelling backstory around it in a scifi environment.  And that's how it started!

Thanks to godot's contributors for their extraordinary work, this adventure wouldn't be possible without the effort they put in the proyect. 

You can follow the development on this game on my twitter account:


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