Using sky boxes

starry night in the universe...
 When starting an amateur game, you want to use as many trick as possible to develop your game as fast as possible, or at least not to spend too much time in area that aren't the exact focus of your game.

In my case, it was important that the 3d enviroment should look nice, but I didn't want to spend to much time on it. 

My go-to page in this case is the godot's asset library (here: , browsing all the possible scenes, shaders or plugins that I can copy and paste in my game and use straightaway. Thanks to all the contributors for their dedicated work, this place is so damn useful. 

Browsing, I found the skybox utility (here: , which is merely 6 different panels on which to place a texture to make a nice skybox for my 3d scifi-space game.

I found the skybox textures on the excellent opengameart site ( However I din't find straight away how to organize the textures consistently to make the skybox. Therefore I used krita to align the 6 sky textures into a cube template by carefully annotating the different textures:

After that, creating the skybox was trivial, and look at the beautiful result! here:


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